Am I Just Partying Every Weekend?
Front row left to right: Me, Johann, Vivian, Melody Ting, Melody Cross, Valerie, Cheryl, Lulu- I mean Clayton.
Back row: Travis, somebody and Kosheila
Oh wait, that's not Dad!
Isn't he such a cutie? But make him mad and.....
This little fella is ready to go to work!
I took this picture myself so it's kinda messy... his left eye was on my right cheek.... and my head's too big. I must be a fathead hehehe
Master and Dog
It's a deal!
This little businessdog deep into thinking comtemplating his option of accepting my proposal for master-and-dogship
How often would you see a dog like this?
Simba in a white shirt and tie... Shuan and I had nothing better to do