My board at the end of the game
The mess we created in -1's living room in the middle of the night (or actually, morning by then) playing with my Age Of Mythology board game
Chern Hui, -1 and Zi Xian at the dinner table when -1's Mom took us out for dinner
Hao Ran's board at the end of the game
-1 and Chern Hui's board at the end of the game
-1, Zi Xian and Chern Hui lying down on the road. They nearly wanted to do it on the almost empty highway but it was too risky
All of us huddled together under our shelter to avoid the rain... after the rain stopped
The drain where Hao Ran pretended to be dead in when we came here filming last time
How about a sillier stance?
Well? You think Chern Hui would make a good model?
These 3 guys are just hilarious when they're together
Great! Another one of Hao Ran's photo sessions
Impressive eh?
This pillar on the right is bound to topple over in the next storm
Another view of our shelter
One of these days somebody is bound to mistake this for a real bunker haha
Now our roof is beginning to take shape
Hao Ran with the log and the branch we used as the central pillar for our roof
It took all of us just to get the carpet into this state.. which is still not enough
-1 and Chern Hui grabbing bricks to help strengthen the sticks for roof.
The early stages of our roof
Ah... what a breathtaking view of... the rubbish piles...
You must really be wondering how crazy we are
Waylon having trouble climbing up
Hao Ran and Zi Xian climbing the cliff. I was third
We were going in the wrong direction, so we had to cross a ledge, which isn't really visible from here
The plants getting in our way the whole time. Notice the building on the left. The last time we came it was still under construction
To think we were at the patch of sand on the right side of the photo minutes ago
Climbing through the dense vegetation was only one of our problems
Us walking to our fort near the old construction site. Notice we have Waylon as an extra.
Zi Xian: The only one of us who had a shirt on. His only sign of immodesty was taking off his prefect tie haha
"Fu Li Zi" or in English... Poh Lee Zi... yucks, that sounds weird
"Okay, let's try and break it again!"
Gentlemen, we have some visitors
Zi Xian, Chern Hui and -1 desperately trying to break the see-saw. So much for the ties and prefect badges they're wearing...
The lonely one-armed soldier sitting on the steps to the slide
Zi Xian, Chern Hui and -1 on the swings
Hao Ran and Chocolate right before our last PMR exam
Isn't he just the most adorable thing you've ever seen? That bites?