Me and Rocky (aka Buzziao guy)
Left to right: Martin (our new Young Men's President), Shuan, Jonathan, me, Jeff
A view from above... you can see me blowing my nose in this unfortunate picture
Closer (but blurred) shot of us
Me and Jeff during Mutual
The dotted drawing I submitted for the art competition
A closer shot of me in my hole
Ray, my "measuring stick"
Another shot
This is how deep it was when I squatted
Digging the hole...
Everybody in the Jacuzzi
The family with those 2 Singaporean students who came to us with the survey
Me and my new tie
The little thingy Chern Hui bought for me when he went to Taiwan
Whatever lah!
The Chargers Outfitters shirt I was wearing
Chargers Outfitters
The Princess
The Noble Steed
Tze Ming and I
Most of the group that came to play basketball. Liah, Zan Hao, Chern Hui and I aren't in the picture (I was the cameraman)
Hao Ran massaging Jia Jun's injured foot
The Tiger we were escaping from by climbing up the tree haha
Chern Hui struggling to join us
Hsien Chun, me and Hao Ran up a tree
Hsien Chun up the tree
Our football/soccer field... well.. mostly the big blue sky actually
Sam was funny enough to point at this direction and tell me that Yung Hui lives somewhere there. I immediately got out my camera and took a picture of the beautiful scenery
Crossing the road...
Walking to the LRT station
Zan Hao and L King
Kiah Wei wearing my seemingly matrix-like sunglasses
The girls talking back in our original classroom
The classroom the guys used for our exam (J1G)
Liah and the others playing basketball
My exam desk